While we were commemorating the Failure of Conservatism in DC yesterday, what was the blogosphere doing?
D-Day saw conservative failure in the melamine scandal: \”Conservatives care nothing about government, and yet they act surprised when the mechanisms of government breaks down. They will somehow try to blame liberals for dismantling the public safety apparatus that has served the country well for decades. But this is an obvious conclusion to the consistent attempts to delegitimize government, drown the funding of public programs in a bathtub and staff regulatory agencies with the lobbyists for the industries they mean to regulate.\”
Elephant\’s Graveyard reacted to the panel titles of our conference: \”The discussions ranged from \’How President Bush and Conservatives Get the World Wrong\’ to \’How Conservatives Fail Economics\’ to \’Can Conservatives be Trusted to Govern?\’. No, they cannot. Saint Ronnie said government is not the solution, it’s the problem – there should be as little of it as possible. So when in power they try to prove that. They have. Case closed.\”
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