Changes at

Isaiah J. Poole is the executive editor of

We’ve made some changes to that will make it faster-paced, more interactive and more compelling.

You will notice that we have elevated our editor’s blog to be the centerpiece of our site, and we have renamed it “Common Sense.” We have also given you the ability to comment on blog posts and share posts using any one of several file-saving and article services, including Del.ici.ous, Digg, Google, Technocrati and Yahoo.

The first time you comment on a post, you’ll be asked to create an account. That will take about a minute. Then you can use the login and password you created for yourself to add your comments.

(Please be sure to review the terms of use; we want the comments section to be an inviting place for good discussion. We reserve the right to edit or delete comments that violate our terms of use as well as the right to delete the accounts of violators.)

Common Sense will be updated frequently throughout the day by me and our resident bloggers, Rick Perlstein, and Bill Scher. You will also occasionally see commentary from the Institute for America’s Future’s co-directors, Robert L. Borosage and Roger Hickey and other Institute writers.

The “Opinion” section is still the place where you will see the best progressive commentary from our contributors and noteworthy articles from elsewhere on the Web. On the site, it has a new home on the right side of the home page.  The “Newsworthy” section will continue to be where we ferret out for you important news you might otherwise miss, and “Pass It On” is still its serendipitous self—sometimes serious, sometimes silly, but always worth passing on.

We hope you will enjoy the changes we’ve made and will continue to be informed, enlightened and inspired by what we published.


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