Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We\’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.
And on Sunday at 4 PM ET, tune in to Air America Radio\’s \”Seder on Sundays\” program, where I\’ll offer the Weekend Watchdog Wrap-Up.
For Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (CBS\’ Face The Nation): Your one day of round-the-clock debate on Iraq — forcing those who are filibustering change to do so in the media spotlight — pressured one additional Republican to abandon the filibuster.
Yet you chose to stop the debate after one day. By temporarily pulling the bill off the floor, are you reducing the pressure on those filibustering just when it was beginning to work?
(Sign the petition telling Sen. Reid to keep the pressure on.)
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