Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We\’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.
And on Sunday at 4 PM ET, tune in to Air America Radio\’s \”Seder on Sundays\” program, where I\’ll offer the Weekend Watchdog Wrap-Up.
For Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. (Fox News Sunday): You support the veto of expanding the State Children\’s Health Insurance Program to cover nearly 5 million more kids. In your last debate, you said: \”Another one [the president] should veto is the SCHIP program, which he should say, \’Take the \”C\” out of, because now it\’s for everybody, like every other entitlement program.\’\”
Presumably you were being critical of states that use SCHIP dollars, after receiving waivers from the Bush administration, to help insure low-income adults.
But the bill that was vetoed would have ended that practice, and allowed those low-income adults to be covered through Medicaid.
Since the bill actually addressed your concern, what was the real reason you supported the veto?
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