David Sirota Joins CAF

We\’re thrilled to announce that David Sirota, a nationally syndicated weekly newspaper columnist and New York Times bestselling author, debuts today as a senior fellow and blogger for the Campaign for America\’s Future.

Sirota is known for his no-nonsense writing about economics and populist politics. In this space, he will be covering the ongoing debate over trade, globalization and economic inequality. Each week, he will publish a report analyzing and investigating the economic and political news on these issues. He will also be blogging on the issues throughout the week as news breaks.

His first post examines the Campaign for America\’s Future\’s report, \”Toxic Trade: Globalization and the Safety of the American Consumer,\” and the effort by the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Nancy Nord, to continue the gutting of the agency under the Bush administration.

Sirota is part of the organization\’s \”An Economy for All\” effort, which fashions and promotes a progressive economic agenda for the kitchen-table issues affecting ordinary Americans. To strengthen the effort, the organization has a revamped \”An Economy for All\” web section, with reports, analysis, data, news items and other resources for activists and allies in the fight for an economy that works for everyone, not just the few.

Check our site regularly for Sirota\’s work and continuing additions to our Economy for All section.


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