\”Drunken Hookup Barbie\” Calls for Nord\’s Resignation

ABCNews.com today spotlighted our \”Toxic Toys\” video featuring the tragic tale of Ken and Barbie, which calls for the resignation of acting Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Nancy Nord.

ABC headlines its piece \”Drunken Hookup Barbie Demands Bush Official\’s Resignation.\”

But let\’s not blame the victim here.

Nothing in the video footage indicates irresponsible drinking by Barbie (or Ken for that matter).

And it\’s not fair to expect toy dolls to prevent sexually transmitted lead poisoning by practicing safe sex, as toy dolls are not anatomically able to use condoms.

Place the blame where it belongs: on a Consumer Product Safety Commissioner that doesn\’t care about consumers or safety, and a conservative belief that government should be used to protect corporate cronies instead of the public interest.

Sign the petition.


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