Conservatives Keep Saying \”No\” To New Energy (And Old Energy)

Conservatives keep saying progressives only say \”No\” when it comes to energy.

But in reality, congressional leaders have repeatedly supported legislation to invest in generating clean American enegy, supporting energy-efficiency and even accelerating oil drilling where oil companies already have leases.

And conservatives have repeatedly said \”No,\” blocking such legislation with filibusters and filibuster threats.

Just yesterday, conservatives once again filibustered a long-range extension of renewable energy tax credits. The expiration of these tax credits would be \”devastating\” to the burgeoning clean energy industry, offering competition to Big Oil and more energy choices for consumers.

But conservative leaders whined that the bill dared to raise revenue elsewhere so the tax credits would not increase the budget deficit. Though according to Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., there are enough rank-and-file Republicans who support the bill to break the filibuster, but the conservative leadership is pressuring them to vote \”No.\” (They may have another chance to vote on the tax credits today.)

Even more hypocritical, conservatives are — so far — refusing to accept an offer from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to have a vote on oil drilling. CongressDaily reports:

On Monday, Reid offered Republicans the chance to have four amendments to the speculation bill regarding offshore oil and gas drilling; oil shale production; nuclear energy, and a broader GOP package containing these and other issues. All would have to earn 60 votes to pass.

Republicans say they want more than four, do not want the amendments dictated to them and if those requirements are not met, at a minimum do not want all four amendments having 60-vote thresholds.

That raises the question: are conservative leaders even interested in saying \”Yes\” to their own proposals? Are they interested in actually passing legislation, or are they more interested in blame-shifting?

Conservatives must know that if Congress actually lifted the ban on most coastal drilling, that prices still would remain high, the public would grow even angrier, and their lone talking point would be exposed as running on empty.

So they keep saying \”No.\” As Robert Borosage reminds us today, they\’ve gotten quite good at it.


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