Weekend Watchdog

Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We\’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.

Air America\’s \”Seder on Sundays\” will air a taped broadcast this week, but we\’ll have the Weekend Watchdog Wrap-up right here on Monday.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates will be on CBS\’ Face The Nation, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley will be on ABC\’s This Week, following this week\’s Iraq hearings. Here are three questions that should be asked.

1. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, when asked about the warm welcome Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received from the Iraqi government, said, \”A visit like that should be in the category of a normal relationship.\”

If the Iraqi government can have a diplomatic meeting with Iranian officials, why can\’t the United States government?

2. The Bush Administration touted a reduction in the length of troop deployments from 15 months to 12 months, but as VetVoice.com noted, \”With an effective date of August 1st, this means that not one troop will benefit from this deployment reduction until August 2009-seven months into the next Presidential administration.\”

Isn\’t the effective continuation of this policy further breaking the military and harming our readiness?

3. (For Stephen Hadley) It has been reported by ABC and the Associated Press that in the first Bush term, senior administration officials, including V.P. Dick Cheney and your boss at the time Condi Rice, approved of \”enhanced interrogation\” techniques otherwise known as torture. President Bush said in response to the reports, \”I\’m aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved.\”

Rice was \”decisive\” in the process, according to ABC. As her right-hand man, what was your role in approving these torture techniques?


Email CBS\’ Face The Nation at ftn@cbsnews.com

Contact ABC\’s This Week by clicking here

Remember: always be brief, polite and respectful when contacting the media, so our voices will be taken seriously.


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