Author: Isaiah Jerome Lewis Poole
\”Returning to normal\” after the COVID-19 pandemic
It is in one sense providential that a pandemic that has most of the country, and in fact the world, in lockdown coincides with the Christian period of Lent. Lent is a period of self-examination, repentance and renewal. It is a time of intentional focus on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and where…
Lifelong Wage Warrior Larry Mishel Takes On Trump\’s Tax Scam
The issue of stagnant working-class wages, which outgoing EPI President Larry Mishel has worked so hard to make prominent, is being co-opted to sell GOP tax cuts that will primarily benefit the wealthy. Even so, he counts this as progress.
The Grassroots Won Alabama\’s Senate Race
Doug Jones\’s victory in Alabama belongs to the voters, who rose up from the grassroots in a new movement to restore voting rights and met the challenge of keeping a homophobe, racist and accused pedophile out of the U.S. Senate.
We Have A Housing Emergency. Here\’s How We Face It
Homelessness is on the rise, and the GOP\’s tax and budget plans will make the housing crisis worse. A People\’s Hearing on Housing with Congress members in Washington, DC highlighted these problems and solutions that match their scale.
A Newly Elected Democratic Socialist On How to Win in Trump Country
“If we talk to people on issues in a universal way, we are going to get their vote.” That\’s how Pleasant Hill, Iowa\’s newest city councilperson, socialist Ross Grooters, says he won his seat, and how he thinks others can run and win, too.
Trumpism Trounced In Tuesday\’s Elections
Winners include bold progressives and a voter-led push to expand Medicaid in a state led by a Trump-like governor. Defeated was a gubernatorial candidate who spent millions on fear-mongering and race-baiting. So who\’s the biggest loser?
Nine Reasons To Stop The GOP\’s Giant Tax Gift Bucket
Americans for Tax Fairness has just published \”Nine Terrible Things About the Republican Tax Plan.\” All are good reasons for you should get on the phone with your member of Congress and tell them to vote against this travesty of a tax bill.
Call Congress Now to Stop Trump\’s Giant Tax Giveaway
People\’s Action joins a broad coalition asking everyone to call 877-795-7862 NOW and tell your Members of Congress to vote against the Republicans\’ tax cut plan, which offers huge windfalls to corporations and the rich at our expense.
Massachusetts Mourns The Loss Of A \’Warrior For Justice\’
Jafet Robles of Springfield, Massachusetts went from serving jail time for a drug offense to becoming a gifted grassroots organizer and a leading voice in the fight against mass incarceration.