Author: Isaiah J. Poole

  • What Should the Next President Read?

    Our friend Bill Moyers is asking an interesting question: “What’s the one book you wish the winning presidential candidate would take to the White House?” For the next few hours, Moyers is inviting people to post responses on his blog. He will share the top responses, and well as his own recommendations, on Friday\’s \”Bill…

  • Obstruction Again: GOP Minority Blocks Stimulus

    Once again, an obstinate Republican minority in the Senate vetoes the majority will, this time on a stimulus package that had bipartisan legislative and broad public support. Forty senators voted to filibuster the Senate version of the plan, a combination of tax rebate checks, business tax breaks and benefit changes designed to cushion the blow…

  • Bush\’s 2009 Budget Shouldn\’t Be Ignored

    As a detailed outline of how the government will spend your tax dollars in fiscal year 2009, which starts October 1, the budget submitted to Congress by President Bush on Monday is virtually worthless. But as a way to contrast the misplaced — and, frankly, immoral — priorities of the last seven years of conservative…

  • A Wimpy Stimulus Compromise

    The early reviews are in on the economic stimulus plan that has emerged out of talks between the White House, House Speaker Nancy Pelost and House Minority John Boehner. And they are not kind. The Economic Policy Institute\’s Lawrence Mishel and Nancy Cleeland write in

  • It Takes a Movement

    Wading into the storm kicked up by Sen. Hillary Clinton\’s comment that \”it took a president\” to turn Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.\’s dream of racial equality into a reality, Bill Moyers nails it on his January 18 commentary for his PBS show, \”Bill Moyers\’ Journal\”: Many, many years ago, I was a young White…

  • Fed Up With Wild-East China

    There\’s more proof of the political potency of the \”toxic trade\” theme among voters in a poll just completed by Democracy Corps. Asked to choose from a list of concerns about China, 52 percent of poll participants agreed with the statement that a \”lack of safety regulations make Chinese products cheap but also unsafe for…

  • Weekend Watchdog Wrap-Up

    The substitute Watchdog gave something of a break to the chattering Sunday morning class. George Stephanopoulos and Tim Russert took advantage of it. Chris Wallace didn\’t. Stephanopoulos on ABC\’s \”This Week\” asked Arizona Sen. John McCain, a Republican presidential candidate, about the refusal of Judge Michael Mukasey, President Bush\’s nominee for attorney general, to characterize…

  • Friend Of Defrauders Court

    If you are a Wall Street investment banker, there\’s new evidence that you\’ve got the best Supreme Court money can buy. Conservative Supreme Court justices did little to hide their disdain for the need to protect the interests of investors earlier this week as they heard the case of a group of stockholders seeking to…

  • Drown Union Reps In Paperwork

    A federally-imposed reporting requirement goes into effect today that is a transparent attempt by the Bush administration to intimidate union activists and hamper union activity. The tactic is to do to unions what conservatives complain liberals do to businesses: Bog them down in needless paperwork. The rule would require thousands of shop stewards and others…

  • Pelosi\’s Challenge In New Orleans

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to lead a House delegation to New Orleans and the Mississippi coast starting Sunday in an effort that should draw fresh attention to what remains the shame of the nation, two years after Hurricane Katrina swept through the Gulf Coast. Their challenge is to make this trip more than either…