Category: Conservatism
Call Congress Now to Stop Trump\’s Giant Tax Giveaway
People\’s Action joins a broad coalition asking everyone to call 877-795-7862 NOW and tell your Members of Congress to vote against the Republicans\’ tax cut plan, which offers huge windfalls to corporations and the rich at our expense.
Trump\’s Bid to Pit Black and Brown Workers Against Each Other
President Trump is resurrecting an old lie about immigration to feign concern about black unemployment, even as his administration actively assaults the very dignity of African American people.
The Racism of \’The Least Racist Person\’ in Trump\’s Speech to Congress
Trump\’s speech to Congress contained a level of racial exploitation and manipulation unprecedented in recent presidential history. It started with his very first words.
Amid \”Men Yelling Indistinctly\” During VP Debate, Shards Of Substance
Tuesday\’s vice-presidential debate offered moments of real contrast between the America that works for all promised by Democrat Hillary Clinton and the alt-right and tea-party policies of a Donald Trump administration.
Trump\’s Immigration \’Pivot\’ and the Effort to Expose It For What It Is
Trump is trying to have it both ways: Reassure his base that he is the same candidate who promised to kick out all 11 million undocumented immigrants while offering what sounds like more rational, realistic policy.
Challenge to Media: Talk to People In Paul Ryan\’s District About Poverty
At, a video and story that national mainstream media isn\’t writing about the disconnect between the right-wing nostrums the House speaker is peddling and what the low-income people in Ryan\’s district actually need.
The Anti-Job-Creation Party Wants Welfare Recipients To Work
The principle that every person who wants to work should have a job is one that progressives and conservatives could unite around – if conservatives believed that government had a role to play in helping to create jobs.
Conservative Solution For Puerto Ricans In Pain Is More Pain
House Republicans proposed addressing Puerto Rico\’s debt crisis by cutting the pensions of retirees and cutting the pay of low-wage workers – to protect wealthy bondholders who gambled on the island\’s finances.
Kansas Republicans Again Stab Workers, And Democracy, In The Back
A bill just passed by the extreme conservative Kansas legislature prevents municipalities from clamping down on just-in-time work scheduling abuses by companies. It\’s a sign of an accelerating trend.
How Dennis Hastert Also Molested Our Democracy
The \”Hastert rule\” has been used to subvert the majority will of the people\’s representatives time and again – and that\’s just one of the ways a veteran House staffer says Dennis Hastert perverted the functioning of House.