Category: Making it in America
No Social Dumping: A Plan To Make Trade Fair
The idea is to penalize countries and companies that try to win a competitive advantage in the marketplace by paying subpar wages, allowing unsafe working conditions or escaping compliance with environmental regulations.
Why You Should \’Flush the TPP\’
A largely anonymous group of officials late last week wanted their work on the Trans-Pacific Partnership – often described as \”NAFTA on steroids\” – out of the spotlight. But a small group of activists put a spotlight on the negotiations.
Job Numbers Add To The Case Against Right-Wing Austerity
Today\’s Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment report was another one reflecting a so-called \”new normal\” for the economy in which what borders on bad is heralded as good. Let\’s not be ambiguous about this. The fact that the economy created 157,000 jobs in January, and that there were significant upward revisions in previous months\’ jobs…
Sen. Chris Murphy Readies His Next \’Make It In America\’ Jobs Push
Now that he is a freshman senator, Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy says he plans in the coming weeks to continue the push he started as a member of the House to advance a \”Make It in America\” jobs agenda. That agenda includes cracking down on China\’s currency manipulation and violations of trade rules, tightening up…
Romney\’s Inaction On China Speaks Louder Than Words
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been all bluster and no action on China\’s cheating on trade, Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan said today, and the proof is in a bill that would address China\’s cheating that is currently languishing in the House despite broad, bipartisan support.
Positive Bipartisan Surprise: House Vote On \’Make It In America\’ Strategy
At least one moderately good thing is coming out of the ideological sewer that is the House of Representatives these days: legislation that will require the executive branch to develop \”a strategy to promote growth, sustainability, and competitiveness in the Nation\’s manufacturing sector.\”
Mitt or Santorum It Hardly Matters
Don\’t get too distracted by the fissures in the Republican electorate revealed in Tuesday night\’s Iowa caucus vote. On basic economic issues, in fact, the candidates are remarkably united; there\’s hardly eight votes worth of difference between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.
Hoyer Blows A Chance To Advance A Jobs Agenda—Even His Own
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer laid out his bottom-line principles for how he believed the deficit should be addressed in a speech today before the Bipartisan Policy Institute. None of the five elements he listed address what voters say is the No. 1 economic problem: putting Americans back to work. Hoyer, in fact, didn\’t even…
A Jobs Bill Wrongly Ignored In Budget-Cut Mania
Demanding bold solutions to today\’s jobs crisis.Read the series » Register for The Summit on Jobs & America\’s Future » At a time when the nation faces a lost decade of chronically high unemployment, you would think any serious proposal for putting people back to work would be discussed and dissected, with the best ideas…
Bushwacking Obama Conservatives Seek to Trap President on Social Security
Beware of conservatives bearing gifts. Today in the Washington Post, former Bush policy advisor, Michael Gerson echoes a growing chorus of conservatiuve pundits offering up \”Social Security reform\” as \”the answer to Obama\’s problems.\” The advice is illogical on its face, pernicious in its consequence, and poisoned from its source. Gerson argues that Obama faces…