Category: Progressive Vision
A Newly Elected Democratic Socialist On How to Win in Trump Country
“If we talk to people on issues in a universal way, we are going to get their vote.” That\’s how Pleasant Hill, Iowa\’s newest city councilperson, socialist Ross Grooters, says he won his seat, and how he thinks others can run and win, too.
As the Trump Train Derails, We Must Keep Up the Pressure
Trump’s fake economic populism is laying the groundwork for greater corporate control over our lives and replacing the war on poverty with a war on the poor. We must keep up the pressure.
On the Ground In Working-Class Pennsylvania, Signs That Voters Get It
A racially-mixed neighborhood in Lancaster, Pa., contains many residents anxious to vote and in particular to record their rejection of the policies that Donald Trump would promote if he became president.
Fighting Racism to Build Solidarity With the White Working Class
Here\’s one example of how progressives in states like Maine are working to heal the divisions of wedge politics practiced by Donald Trump and by far-right politicians across the nation.
Amid \”Men Yelling Indistinctly\” During VP Debate, Shards Of Substance
Tuesday\’s vice-presidential debate offered moments of real contrast between the America that works for all promised by Democrat Hillary Clinton and the alt-right and tea-party policies of a Donald Trump administration.
Trump Dodges His Racist Past In His Latest Black Voter Outreach
Members of Michigan People\’s Campaign appeared during Donald Trump\’s visit to Flint, Michigan to demand he answer for specific instances of racial discrimination by him and his companies.
A National Grassroots Network Goes All In To Defeat Trump
The newly formed People\’s Action takes up a challenge framed by Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza: to vote for the terrain that will give progressives the best opportunity to win long-term victories.
One Democratic Convention Speech Nailed The Progressive Vision
Rev. William Barber\’s speech at the closing night of the Democratic National Convention called on delegates to be \”moral defibrillators\” for a nation with a \”heart problem.\” And he electrified the convention.
Meet Some Sanders Delegates Who Plan To Turn Anger Into Positive Action
A group of Bernie Sanders delegates talk in Philadelphia about what they plan to do after the Democratic convention to \”keep the Bern,\” building progressive power in their communities.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Has Lessons for Progressives in Philadelphia
Using experiences that range from his first political convention in 1968 through his breakthrough 1988 presidential campaign, Rev. Jesse Jackson offers lessons in how to keep the Bernie Sanders \”revolution\” alive.