Category: Retirement Security
Is PBS Being Paid To Join The Plot Against Pensions?
David Sirota this week broke the story that conservative financier John Arnold, who is on a campaign to dismantle state public pension programs, has given $3.5 million to PBS to finance a series on \”The Pension Peril.\”
USA Today Sides With the Public Pension Wrecking Crew
USA Today offers the latest entry in the race to punish public-sector workers for successfully retaining the benefits that used to be broadly available to private-sector workers.
Ryan Gets 700,000 \’No\’ Votes on Social Security Cuts
We helped deliver a petition to House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan signed by more than 700,000 people calling for \”no grand bargain in exchange for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts.\”
ALEC and TIAA-CREF Join The Assault On Public Pensions
The right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council has jumped into the conservative effort to dismantle public pension systems in a big way. So has TIAA-CREF, which markets the kind of plans that ALEC wants states to move to.
The \’Plot Against Pensions\’ Takes Aim At California
In the wake of our report on the effort to undermine public pensions, David Sirota writes in Salon about an organization created by John Arnold poised to lead an attack in California that could damage workers nationwide.
A Birthday Card For Social Security
You\’re looking good for a 78-year-old – and it\’s no wonder, given how hard you work to keep the nation\’s seniors, people with disabilities and survivors financially secure.