Category: The Sequester
Think Bold On Jobs: A $1 Trillion Transportation Plan
One of the consequences of the federal spending sequester now in place is that $4 billion is being cut this year from transportation and infrastructure programs, according to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee ranking member Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., including $1 billion from programs administered by the Department of Transportation. In a long menu of…
Obama on Sequester Impact: No Exaggeration To Struggling Families Facing A Pay Cut
The smackdown that President Obama delivered today to people who assert that he and others are exaggerating the impact of the sequestration for dramatic effect is worth publishing in full: Q: What do you say to the people like Mayor Bloomberg — who is no critic of yours in general; he endorsed you — who…
Majority Of House Democrats Say Stop The Benefit Cuts
A majority of House Democrats have signed a House Progressive Caucus letter to President Obama opposing benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. \”We write to affirm our vigorous opposition to cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits in any final bill to replace sequestration,\” the letter, signed by 107 members, says. Sequestration is…
Repealing The Sequester Is The Real Balanced Approach
After President Obama called on Congress today to postpone the deep across-the-board federal spending cuts set to kick in on March 1 in the so-called sequester, Campaign for America’s Future co-director Robert Borosage responded by declaring that the sequester \”should be repealed, not postponed.\” Meanwhile, the Congressional Progressive Caucus today unveiled its legislation to repeal…
Day of Action Against Poverty – And The Assault Against The Poor
An effort to move the fight against poverty to the top of the national agenda begins today, led by the Half in 10 campaign and the Coalition for Human Needs. The major campaign goal is to persuade President Obama to talk about poverty and its solutions in his State of the Union address February 12.…
Conservative Spending Hypocrisy: Frozen Pay For Federal Workers, Exorbitant Pay For Contractors
The upcoming presidential debate on foreign policy will undoubtedly feature warnings from Republican candidate Mitt Romney that defense spending cuts from the Obama administration will compromise the nation\’s ability to defend itself.
Robert Samuelson On Energy: \”Intellectually Shallow\”
In today\’s W. Post column from Robert Samuelson, at one point he writes, \”This is intellectually shallow.\” If he was referring to his own work, he\’d be right. But he was trying to attack the President as dishonest about his energy policy, claiming that Obama is peddling a clean energy \”pipe dream\” when the bravely…