Category: Uncategorized
\”Returning to normal\” after the COVID-19 pandemic
It is in one sense providential that a pandemic that has most of the country, and in fact the world, in lockdown coincides with the Christian period of Lent. Lent is a period of self-examination, repentance and renewal. It is a time of intentional focus on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and where…
Marco Rubio\’s Impoverished Ideas For The War On Poverty
The Florida Republican\’s speech on poverty is essentially the same warmed-over combination of trickle-down economics, state\’s-rights conservatism and subsidizing corporate profits in the guise of helping workers.
Lower Corporate Taxes Do Not Equal More Jobs
A new report shows that most of the \”job creators\” in today\’s economy are paying some of the highest corporate taxes, while the companies that are paying little or nothing in corporate taxes are the ones that are slashing their payrolls.
The Elephant That\’s Blocking The Road To Economic Growth
Corporate participants at a major transportation summit today must address the elephant in the room: the tea-party extremists that many of them bankrolled who block the infrastructure investments they are clamoring for.
Sinking In The New American Economy, And Looking For Champions [Video]
A memo released a few days by Democracy Corps, based on interviews with working-class voters in Florida and Ohio, has not gotten the attention it deserves. It underscores how deeply working-class people sense that there is something fundamentally wrong with the American economy, and that both the conservative wrecking crew in Congress and the green-shoots…
An Independence Day Imperative: Defeat the \’Dollarocracy\’
How did we get so far from the albeit naïve but nonetheless noble vision of the America that President Obama offered on his election night in 2008, that we are not just \”a collection of red states and blue states\” but \”the United States of America\”? One reason, suggests Robert W. McChesney, author and University…
\’Up With Steve Kornacki\’ Asks What\’s Up With Home Care Worker Wages
The Fair Labor Standards Act – the law that gave us the minimum wage and the 40-hour work-week – turns 75 on Tuesday. President Obama could commemorate the day by taking a long-overdue action that would fulfill a campaign promise and heal a deep scar in the nation\’s New Deal legacy: Include home care workers…
A Declaration To Reset The Education Debate
You may have seen stories about the poor quality of Washington, D.C.’s public schools. You probably have also heard about how Michelle Rhee was brought from near-obscurity to take over the city’s schools, overnight becoming a national symbol of dramatic education “reform.” What you may not have heard is that after years of high-stakes testing…
AFSCME\’s Lee Saunders on Why Unions Are Needed Now More Than Ever
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees president Lee A. Saunders took to the pages of The Huffington Post this week to call conservatives out on the \”class war\” they are waging against workers and to assert that unions are \”the first and last line of defense for America\’s workers.\” The importance of unions…