Isaiah J. Poole
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█Congressional Leadership Reporter, Transportation Lead Reporter
█Prince George’s County Editor (Nov. 1997-Sept. 2000)
█Eastern Montgomery County Editor (June 1997-June 1998)
█News Desk Editor (Feb. 1997-June 1997)
█Entertainment Editor (July 1995-Jan. 1997)
█Entertainment Copy Editor (Nov. 1993-July 1995)
█Assistant Metro Editor, Political/Legal Correspondent (June 1989-May 1991)
█Political/Congressional/Federal Correspondent (August 1985-June 1989)
█Chief City Hall Correspondent (May 1982-August 1985)
█Washington Correspondent (August 1977-August 1979)
Penn State University, University Park, Pa. (2000-2003)
█B.A. in Journalism, political science minor, College of Communications, May 2003. Dean\’s List.
Howard University, Washington, D.C. (1981-1982)
█Journalism major, economics minor, University Without Walls
Howard University, Washington, D.C. (1973-1974)
█Journalism major, School of Communications
University of Maryland, College Park, Md. (1972-1973)
█Journalism major, College of Journalism
National Association of Black Journalists
█ Conventions (1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999)
American Press Institute
█ Seminar for Editorial Writers (2002)
Montgomery College
█ Management training course (1999)
Maynard Institute
█New Media workshop, Chicago (1997)
National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association
█Conventions (1994, 1995)
Society of Professional Journalists
█Editors’ seminar, Richmond, Va. (1995)
█As a board member of the Urban Village Corporation since 2013, I help provide oversight of the affordable housing covenant for the 72-unit apartment complex in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, and help advocate for affordable housing throughout the community.
█With Career Connections of Prince George’s County (1999) I developed a 24-page tabloid on school-to-work programs and assisted the communications committee in developing outreach strategies.
█At LifeLink, Washington, D.C. (1992-1993), I served as an executive director responsible for directing an AIDS education and advocacy program. I received the Marilyn “Trish” Robinson Community Service Award (1993) from the Washington Association of Black Journalists for AIDS education efforts.
█At Damien Ministries, Washington D.C. (1993), I served as a board member for an organization providing assistance for people with AIDS, editing their newsletter and acting as a team leader/facilitator at retreats.
█Thorough knowledge of Mac OS and Windows hardware and operating systems and of major word processing, graphics and pagination software. Experienced in graphic design, layout, typography, video, audio, and website creation and maintenance.